The COAST LEMON DROP is a cocktail designed to highlight one of the culinary customs rooted in the Neapolitan territory.
In fact, it recalls a historical must of the local cuisine, the salad with bread lemons, a humble dish handed down from the old peasant tradition.
It represents a very substantial food, in fact, the wives used to prepare this fresh dish for their husbands who went to work in the fields, instead of the classic bread and tomato.
Originally from Campania, the lemon-bread looks like a fruit similar to cedar, with a thin outer skin and a very developed albedo (internal white part with a spongy consistency, which separates the peel from the pulp), to which it owes the name of " bread lemon ".
Its flavor is delicate and sweeter than the common ones, not particularly sour, therefore ideal for being eaten in salads or for being squeezed into a drink. The peel, being rich in essential oils, is used for the production of lemon liqueurs and creams. This fruit was and is used a lot for lemon bread salads: by cutting the fruit into slices and then inserting other typical Mediterranean products such as capers, olive oil, mint, and sometimes anchovies, it becomes an exceptional dish to be consumed fresh.
Due to these peculiarities, the product has been included by the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies and by the Campania Region in the official list of typical Italian products and typical regional flavors. In the gardens of the Amalfi Coast, these lemons are a constant and colorful presence, with a scent that intoxicates the coast.
This fruit is not just food, but a real natural medicine, with numerous beneficial effects, antiseptic and balsamic properties, and rich in antioxidant molecules important to fight cellular aging.
These precious bread lemons are used to create our infused gin, differentiating it for uniqueness and elegance.
5 cl Lemon infused Gin
3 cl of sage and lemon liqueur
1,5 cl lemon juice
Crust of fleur de sel and mint
All served with a lemon salad of bread, oil, fleur de sel, and mint.